Attention Seniors!



We Want to Hear Your Story

Everyone has a book in them just waiting to be written.  Your personal history IS your book – and it’s time for you to write it.  Your stories are unique.  Your family and friends would probably love to read them.  You can leave this personal legacy to your children – grandchildren – great grandchildren.  Stories about your personal past, including how life actually took place without daily texting or playing an ipod or mp3.  Let your family know what life was like when you were a kid – what motivated you to be the person you are today – what events shaped the life you’ve lived – how you met your husband or wife – how many miles you walked to school in the snow, & more.

Memoirs aren’t a history timeline – you don’t need to start at birth and end it with the present.  You just pick and choose stories that have held meaning to you since they occurred.  Some might be filled with joy, others with sadness.  A wedding, a birth, a death.  They all evoke immediate memories – stories that make up a book of memoirs.  Each individual story stands on its own and is a chapter by itself, unrelated to the other chapters in the book.  You might want to write about how you and a cousin were caught tipping cows.  While you write about it you laugh at the memory and that triggers another unrelated memory, such as a party two weeks later where you met your future wife or husband.  You write about that story, which might trigger another memory about a childhood friend who broke your leg when he threw you off the roof.  And so on…..

You might be saying to yourself, “What makes my life interesting to other people?”  And the answer is:  You’re still alive and living it, and that makes for an interesting story!  

And then you might ask, “Where would I start?  Do I have to write a whole book and what do I include?” (GASP!)  The answer:  You start where you want, you write only what you WANT to write about.

            •    When are these Memoirs Classes?      Starting:  Call for our new schedule

•    Where will the classes be held?            Timberlake Ranch

•    What should I bring?                            Write a story to share with the group.

•    Anything else?                                     Pen and paper (notebook)

•    Plan to spend approx. 2 hours              No fiction; share your personal truth

Call (505) 783-9001 to sign up or ask for more information.  We look forward to seeing you there! 

Can’t wait to hear your stories ...