10 Questions To Ask Your Medical Doctor

When you or someone you love is diagnosed with a serious, chronic, or life-threatening illness and you want the best care possible, you must fully communicate with your physicians and other healthcare providers. Here, adapted from Mayo Clinic suggestions, are questions you need answered.

  1. What do my symptoms mean?
  2. Do the medications have any side effects? What are they?
  3. What is the test for?
  4. What risks are involved in my treatment?
  5. How do the benefits of my treatment compare with the risks?
  6. What kind of emotional reactions can I expect from my illness?
  7. How long will I have to stay in the hospital?
  8. Will I have any limitations on my activities at home?
  9. What should I call you about once I’m at home?
  10. Do I have any choices or options other than the treatment you’ve prescribed?
    Do you know what they are?
    If not, do you know where I can find out?


Where Can I Get More Information?

Dozens of sites provide information about complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine. If you cannot get satisfactory answers from your doctor, start with:

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The recommendations provided by this site are suggestions only, and not intended as replacement for medical care from a licensed physician or healthcare provider. For additional complementary or alternative medicine (CAM) advice, please seek out a local naturopathic physician, Chinese medical doctor, or qualified herbalist.

bastis@bastis.org  © 2004 BASTIS Foundation - all rights reserved 

What Can I Do Right Now?

Click here for immediate suggestions for taking your first steps toward balanced wellness

Click here to learn how to make Power Tonic, which helps rid the body of yeast, especially during a cleanse

Click here to schedule a seminar or workshop for your group or organization

BASTIS Foundation, a non-profit educational health foundation, has no affiliation with any particular medical, political, religious, or special-interest philosophy or organization. We rely on the generosity of the people we help.

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